
Please take the time to read the articles at the links below.
Homework in my class:
  1.  Priority:   Read to your child every night!
  2. Do Not Spend more then 10-15 minutes each night on homework.
  3.  Life Happens!  Your child will not be penalized because homework was not turned in everyday!  

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Starting in September, we will use the quick and engaging homework learning mats designed
by Tara West to keep your child learning throughout the year at home. The tasks can be completed by your child independently or with your guidance. Your child will have a daily math task and a daily ELA task. Throughout the week your child will also work to complete their “Three-In-A-Row” board. Your child can strive for getting three tasks completed in a row or go for a complete “blackout.” There is a built-in incentive piece on the mat as well. However, once the weekly mat is complete, you can do a quick celebration like allowing them to choose what’s for dinner or taking a trip to the park. Also, it is important your child takes the time to review high frequency words each week.  Please use the spelling menu provided to review the monthly high-frequency words.  Thank you so much for your help in making your child’s education a priority this year.


See Tara West TPT Store



December 1st
December 1
Week 2:  December 4-8
December 2

Week 3:  December 11-15
December 3