Nyree Simmons » Expectations


Dear Parent/ Guardian, 

Welcome to another phase of learning in the 2021-2022 school year. We have started this school year off with various issues and challenges causing the school to temporarily close. Some of us are still navigating through them. It is important that we continue to do the best we can in these situations and work together. With that said, we will have to make some changes to our expectations, now that we are operating with a virtual learning classroom. I will need your assistance in ensuring that the listed expectations are followed. These expectations will ensure that the instructional time is maximized, and distractions are few. Please note the listed instructional expectations as we move forward in the virtual classroom. 


  1. Tentative daily schedule.  It is important that all students arrive/log in prior to attendance to ensure they are counted in the day's attendance. Students should be dressed and ready to learn. Students' attendance will be printed at the end of the day to note login and logoff times. This schedule is tentative and may change as we move forward.   
  1. Preparedness. Students should have a dedicated learning space, prepared with suppliesStudents need to ensure they have their supplies (passwords, device, power cord, notebook, pencilheadphones, etc...) readily available.  
  1. Camera On As the lessons are recorded, please ensure your child is dressed and working in an area with limited traffic and distractions. Students need to be visibly seen just as if they were present in the classroom. This will help them mentally prepare to focus on learning and not distractions. This is important when learning new material.  
  1. Participation. All students, should be focused and attentive to the lesson. They will be randomly called upon to respond to questions. They will be held accountable for completing assignments. Please encourage them to ask questions when they are confused or need assistance. I will teach them how to message me directly and how to send a message the whole class will be able to read. 
  1. Recorded Lessons. Because the lessons are recorded students will be able to go back and review the lessons. This is helpful if students have technical difficulties, are absent or just need to hear the lesson again.  
  1. Microsoft Teams.  The school district is using Microsoft Teams as the platform to deliver instruction and assignments to students. Due to the change in instruction and an effort to keep and find all materials and assignments, we will need to commit to using only Microsoft Teams. This platform will archive and record the videos in the Activity section. The students will find and submit work in the Assignment section as well as in the digital Class NotebookI will teach/explain the program to the students. Prior to the end of the day, I will post topics and assignments so students (as well as parents) can refer to for completion of daily activities and assignments. 
  1. District Instructional Platforms. The district expectation is that students use the instructional programs they have provided. Students will be able to login to the programs using the Launchpad/Class Link icon on their device. The times, and scores will be monitored and used to support your child’s report card grades.  

I strongly suggest that you sit down with your child to explore Microsoft Teams, Class Link/Launchpad programs as well as the other programs we will use as the school year progresses. Once we get adjusted to Microsoft TeamsI will no longer be able to accept photos of assignments due to the lack of clarity of the work as well as honoring the locations for work to be distributed, received and graded. I will send a message on Class Dojo. We will continue to do our best, remain flexible and wait patiently. As students receive their necessary equipment, they will be able to go back, replay videos, go to their class notebook, and complete assignments. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send an email or message me on Class DojoI will respond as soon as possible Thank you for being patient as we navigate through this situation.  

With Sincere Appreciation, 

 Ms. N. Simmons