Kenneth Fisher » Week 1 Assignments

Week 1 Assignments

Good Day! I hope everyone is doing well in these challenging times? The Lesson for this week will be a continuation of what we have been doing in class the past week. It will involve learning to track, control, throw and catch an object(s) in space. It will involve the use of plastic drinking bottles...and the can be filled or unfilled. Just remember to check with an adult beforehand. This activity can be performed indoors or outside. I would recommend outside if the bottles are filled with any type of liquid. Part of the activity can be performed independently but part of it will require a partner of any shape or size. Yes Mom and Dad, that includes you! Your submission for the assignment will be a short video or a few pictures of the student participating in the activity. Have fun with it and it is okay if you make a mistake once or twice...or maybe even 3 times!! Just remember keep an eye on the bottle(s) at all times!!    Please refer to the following link to watch the video presentation for this lesson...any questions please feel free to contact us via our emails: